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Tutorial: Run Submission through API

In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of submitting runs using the provided Python scripts and These scripts interact with the ViaFoundry API to trigger a pipeline run and retrieve the list of runs, respectively.


Before you start, make sure you have the following:

  • Python installed on your machine (version 3.6 or later).
  • ViaFoundry account credentials (email and password).

Step 1: Download the Scripts

Download the following Python scripts from the provided links:

Save these files to your local machine.

Step 2: Set Environment Variables

Open a terminal and set the required environment variables for ViaFoundry credentials:

export VIAFOUNDRY_PASSWORD=your_password

Replace and your_password with your ViaFoundry account credentials.

Step 3: Update with Run Details

Open the file and update the run_settings dictionary with your specific run details:

run_settings = {
    "doc": {
        "name": "New Run Name",
        "tmplt_id": 861,
        "in": {
            "testFile": "s3://viafoundry/run_data/test_data/models/data/AmpC_screen_table_subset_10K.csv",
            "numLine": "3000",
            "Header": "smiles"

Replace the values in the run_settings dictionary with the specific configuration for your run. In this context, the term tmplt_id refers to the template run ID. The global pipeline inputs include parameters such as testFile, numLine, and Header. Generally, the remaining pipeline parameters will be automatically derived from the template run parameters.

Step 4: Run

Execute the following command in the terminal to trigger the pipeline run:


This will log in to ViaFoundry, obtain an access token, and trigger the specified pipeline run.

Step 5: Run

Execute the following command in the terminal to retrieve the list of runs:


This will log in to ViaFoundry, obtain an access token, and print the list of runs.

Congratulations! You have successfully triggered a pipeline run and retrieved the list of runs using the ViaFoundry API.