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Metadata Tracker - NCBI-GEO

Expected learning outcome

To understand the basics of Metadata Tracking System, and import sample GEO metadata.

Before you start

Please go to and login into your account. If you have an issue about login, please let us know about it ( We will set an account for you.

Creating Project and Adding Metadata Tracker

Once logged in, click on the Projects section at the top menu and click Add a New Project button. Enter your project name and click OK. This is the place to configure your project. Click on the Add Metadata Tracker icon to add a new Metadata tab into your project.


Click on the Metadata tab. This window is the Data View section of the Metadata tracker where you will insert your data. Before inserting new data, we need to configure the database structure. To start configuring click on the "Configure Metadata" button at the right.


Configuring Metadata Tracker

  1. In this configuration window there are a couple of tabs available:

    • All Collections: List of project collections(tables).
    • All Events: List of events that are defined for Data view.
    • Tree View: Shows your project collections(tables) in tree visualization.
    • Templates: Predefined collections to import into your project


  2. Please click the Templates tab to import predefined collections. Select all the collections by clicking checkboxes. After choosing them, click the Import Collection Button.


  3. Now you can revisit All Collections and Tree View Tabs to see imported collections and their relationships.

    image image

  4. If you click each Series tab, you will see the columns defined for the Series collection. The NamingPattern feature is defined for the id column to set a unique id for each inserted value. Since the pattern is SE-${AUTOINCREMENT}, new data will have the following ids: SE-1, SE-2, etc.


  5. Now click on the Biosamples tab to see its columns. Type of the series_id column is mongoose.Schema.ObjectId which means that this value will be referencing data in another collection. If you scroll to the right, you will see the ref column is set to {yourProjectID}_series, therefore it is referencing data in series collection in this project. By using this referencing method, we don't need to enter series details each time we insert data into the Biosamples collection. Instead, we will reference the data in the Series collection.


  6. Similarly Samples collection referencing data in Biosamples collection and Files collection referencing Samples collection. You can visualize their relationship in the Tree View tab.


  7. Let's visit NCBI SRA Run Selector ( to download sample project metadata. Enter GSE196908 into the Accession field and click the search button.


  8. Click on the Metadata button to download comma separated metadata files.


  9. To visualize the file in excel or another spreadsheet viewer, change the file extension to csv.

    SraRunTable.txt -> SraRunTable.csv
  10. Open the file to check its content.


  11. Lets distribute these column headers into 4 groups (series, biosamples, samples, file) to prevent repetition and save into our project.

    series biosamples samples files
    BioProject BioSample Sample Name Run
    Organism Assay Type
    source_name Library Name
    TREATMENT LibraryLayout
    weeks_treatment LibrarySelection
  12. Return back to Foundry Metadata tracker, and click the Series tab. Instead of auto increment values (SE-1, SE-2 etc,) using BioProject-ID for referencing would simplify our referencing strategy. While entering data, we will enter BioProject-ID into the name column and we want to save this entered value as id. Change the NamingPattern of id column as follows to save name value as id:

    Column Field of change Old Value New Value
    id NamingPattern SE-${AUTOINCREMENT} ${}


    'series' is the name of the Series collection. Please check All Collections tab and Name and Label columns.

  13. Similarly, to make name column a identifier for biosamples, click on Biosamples Tab and change the NamingPattern of id column as follows:

    Column Field of change Old Value New Value
    id NamingPattern B-${AUTOINCREMENT} ${}


    'biosamp' is the name of the Biosamples collection. All details listed in All Collections tab.

  14. Insert new columns into Biosamples collection by clicking the plus button at the top left while in the Biosamples tab.

    New Column Name New Column Label
    Organism Organism
    source_name source_name
    weeks_treatment weeks_treatment

    Enter new name and label values using the table above and click save button. You can see the example for the Organism column below.


    This should create the following database structure:


    * Note: the id column has been normalized to lower case.
  15. Click Samples Tab and change the NamingPattern of id column as follows:

    Column Field of change Old Value New Value
    id NamingPattern SA-${AUTOINCREMENT} ${}
    * Note: 'sample' is the name of the Samples collection. 
  16. Insert new columns into Samples collection by clicking the plus button at the top left. Enter new name and label values using the table below.

    New Column Name New Column Label
    Assay Type Assay Type
    Library Name Library Name
    LibraryLayout LibraryLayout
    LibrarySelection LibrarySelection
    LibrarySource LibrarySource
    Instrument Instrument
    Platform Platform

    Expected database structure of sample collection:


  17. Click Files Tab and change the NamingPattern of id column as follows:

    Column Field of change Old Value New Value
    id NamingPattern F-${AUTOINCREMENT} ${}
  18. Now we're ready to insert metadata. Click on the "Data View" Button, Located right handside of the tabs menu.

Importing Metadata

  1. Click the Collections Tab and select Series Collection from dropdown.


  2. Click on the Insert button to enter PRJNA807693 into the name field using form. After that click the save button.


  3. Go to the collection dropdown and change its value to Biosamples. Since we will insert 99 Biosamples we will use excel import. Let's download the template excel file to facilitate import. Click the Download Last Viewed Page as Excel file button. You will see an empty excel sheet with table headers. If you like you can download the biosamples template here.



  4. Copy and paste the data in SraRunTable into this empty sheet as follows:


    Note: `BioSample` column in SraRunTable is copied to the `Name` column.
  5. After saving this file, click on the Import on Excel File button. Drag and drop your Biosamples.xlsx file and click the Load Table button. If you prefer you can download and use the pre-filled biosamples table here.


  6. It will show the rows that are going to be inserted/updated in yellow color. Click the Save button at the top left.


  7. It will insert the rows as follows and the status of the operation will be shown at the left side.


  8. Now you can return to table view by clicking the button below:


  9. Switch to Samples collection by using collection dropdown. Similar to the biosamples collection, click the Download Last Viewed Page as Excel file button. Copy and paste the data in SraRunTable into this empty sheet as follows or you can download the samples template here.:


    Note: `Sample Name` column in SraRunTable is copied to the `Name` column.
  10. After saving this file, click on the Import on Excel File button. If you prefer you can use samples table by clicking here. Drag and drop your Samples.xlsx file and click the Load Table button. Now you're ready to import sample data with the save button. Return back to the table view by clicking the Show Table Format button.

  11. Go to the collection dropdown and change its value to Files. Click the Download Last Viewed Page as Excel file button or download here Copy and paste the data in SraRunTable into this empty sheet as follows or download here :


  12. If you prefer you can use entered files in run submission. Select the Runs collection and click Insert button.

    • Name: Your run name
    • Submission Type: Standard
    • Server: Viafoundry Server
    • Run Environment: Via Run Environment (AWS Batch)
    • Template run id: Enter your previous run id or enter 1 to use our demo run as template.
    • Inputs: Click Select File Button and use checkboxes to select your files.
    • You can change other input values according to your needs.


  13. Click the save button. This will submit your run. You can track your run status on the dashboard.

Congratulations! You have configured a metadata tracker for your project and imported GEO data into Foundry!